Wisdom from Imams

Have you realized what Islam is?it is indeed a religion founded on truth.It is such a fountain-head of learning that several streams of wisdom and knowledge flow from it.It is such a lamp that several lamps will be lit from it.


Wisdom from prophet

Truly the believers in their acts of co-operation and mutual aid are like the head to the body; should it complain, the rest of the body rallies to it in vigilant defence – Holy Prophet Muhammad (PbUH)




Younus ibn Yaqub, one of the great followers of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq [a] quotes: That very year during the Hajj season we, the followers of the Imam [a] were in his presence as usual. Hamran ibn A’yan, Muhammad ibn No’man, Hesham ibn Salem, Hamzah…




Islam guides us in every facet of our life. It leads us toward forming a perfect society where everyone must know and respect others’ rights. Islam also recognizes that the path toward perfection is not without spiritual roadblocks. Therefore, Islam provides us with…



The Qur’an, the Holy Book of God, provides the complete code for the Muslims to live a good, chaste, abundant and rewarding life in obedience to the commandments of Allah, in this life and to gain salvation in the next. It is the “chart of life” for every Muslim, 



It goes without saying that today’s children are tomorrow’s parents and will form the society and the nation of tomorrow. Whatever children are taught today, they will apply this tomorrow to run the affairs of society.



Jafar as-Sadiq (A. S.) was one of the most patient and tolerant teachers of his time. He used to give lectures on Islamic theology every day. After his lectures, he would listen and reply to the objections of his students and critics.



Islamic Philosophy

Fasting is a fundamental worship in Islam that provides a great platform to gain self-control, piety, humbleness, sympathy to poor, sincerity to Allah, and success in Hereafter. Fasting enables us to fight evil traits such as passion, lust, greed, arrogance, and jealousy.



Wisdom from Quran

Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their religion



Islamic practices

Praise belongs to God who guided us to His praise and placed us among the people of praise,that we might be among the thankful for His beneficence and that He might recompense us for that with the recompense of the good-doers!



Nehjul Balagha

From the father who is (shortly) to die, who acknowledges the hardships of times, who has turned away from life, who has submitted himself to the (calamities of) time, who realizes the evils of the world,




It is narrated through a reliable chain of narrators that an atheist came to Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq and presented a few queries. One of his questions concerned the logic behind the sending of Prophets. The Imam said, “When we have agreed that we have a Maker and a Creator;



Judgment Day

Every man by nature has some conception of the Day of Resurrection because we all like to know the ultimate future of man and of this world. We want to know where the life’s struggle of man ends and what the real purpose of life is.




A true religion must be adaptable, and flexible and should be one that covers all the aspects and dimensions of human life including its material and spiritual needs. Out of all the great religions of the world..


Jibrael-al-Ameen (Gabriel, the Trustworthy) called on Adam (AS) and said to him: “God have commanded me that I offer you three wonderful things and ask you to choose only one” Adam (A) asked: “O Jibrael! What are those things?”

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roza e rasool(PBUH)

Wisdom from Prophet

Every phenomenon needs a producer. The chain of producers continues till we reach a producer independent and All–powerful. The whole universe is moving and marching forward. This movement must have a goal.

mola ali

Wisdom from imam

Have you fully realised what Islam is? It is a religion founded on truth. It is such a fountainhead of learning that from it flow out several streams of wisdom and knowledge. It is such a lamp that


Wisdom from quran

Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them;

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God is not merciful to him who is not so to humankind. He who is not kind to God’s creation and to his own children, God will not be kind to him -Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


Truly the believers in their acts of co-operation and mutual aid are like the head to the body; should it complain, the rest of the body rallies to it in vigilant defence – Holy Prophet Muhammad (PUHHF)


You may be in need but remember that if you have need of someone, you still turn yourself into his slave. But if you do away with that need, you will be his equal and if you show benevolence to someone, you will be his master- Imam Ali (AS)

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The Qur’an is not directed towards any one particular nation, such as the Arabs, or to a particular sect of Muslims, but to non-Islamic societies as well as the Muslim nation as a whole.

There are numerous references to non-believers and idol worshipers, to the People of the Book (namely, the Jews, or the Tribe of Israel, and the Christians), exhorting each one to strive towards a true understanding of the Qur’an and of Islam.


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The best noblest and clearest

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Jibrael-al-Ameen (Gabriel, the Trustworthy) called on Adam (AS) and said to him: “God have commanded me that I offer you three wonderful things and ask you to choose only one” Adam (A) asked: “O Jibrael ! What are those things?” Gabriel said: “These are ‘Aql (Reason),...