Complain of Husayn, Holy Prophet and Heaven

Complain of Husayn, Holy Prophet and Heaven

Allāmah Majlisi relates in Bihār al Anwār that Muhammad bin Abu Tālib Musawi says, that when Waleed received the letter to slay Imām Husayn (a.s.) it was very hard upon him and he said, “By Allāh! May Allāh not let me witness the murder of the son of His Prophet, even...
Imām Husayn, Makkah and Letters from Kufa

Imām Husayn, Makkah and Letters from Kufa

When Imām Husayn (a.s.) intended going towards Makkāh, Abdullāh bin Muti’ came to meet him and said, “May I be your ransom! Where do you intend going”? Imām replied, “Presently I have decided to go to Makkāh, after that I shall seek consultation from the Almighty.”...
Muslim bin Aqeel’s departure to Kufa

Muslim bin Aqeel’s departure to Kufa

As quoted by Mas’oodi, Muslim bin Aqeel (a.s.) reached Madinā and offered Prayers at the Masjide Nabawi and bade farewell to his household. He took along with him two people from Bani Qays as guides to direct the way and left. They took a wrong road and hence lost the...
Imām’s Letter to the Noblemen of Basrā

Imām’s Letter to the Noblemen of Basrā

It is quoted by Sayyid ibn Tāwoos in Malhoof that Imām Husayn (a.s.) sent a letter to a group of righteous noblemen of Basrā through his retainer named Sulaymān, whose agnomen was Abu Razeen, inviting them for assistance and obedience to him. Those included therein...
Ubaydullah bin Ziyād’s Enters Kufa

Ubaydullah bin Ziyād’s Enters Kufa

When Ubaydullāh received the letter of Yazid, he selected five hundred people from Basrā, which included Abdullāh bin Hāris bin Nawfal, Shareek bin A’awar, both of whom were Shi’āh, and accompanied by them and Muslim bin Umro Bāhili and his retinue and family, left...